I just wanted to say to everyone at my grad show last night - thank you so much for your interest and support. I love that you guys like my work! Please keep checking back, in the next 2 weeks I'll have many more pieces up for sale on my etsy store... So please help a struggling artist out and buy them! Oh and please email me if you've seen something in particular you like and I can try and make it for you faster.

a protoype I made on Friday.... Xx Chrissy

A few more sketches

Since I may be going to India next year... and still on my Taj Mahal tangent I ordered some prototypes today...
Rose Gold
 Black Plastic

 Black Plastic

 Rose Gold

 Rose Gold 

  Rose Gold and Leather

What makes mango icey poles better? ICECREAM!!!

After work tonight I came home, made my icey poles better and then got to work on some real stuff.... watching Pride and Prejudice on iview and making some necklaces and earrings.
Hope Julie likes them!  


Here are some photos of my new packaging... do you like?

Thoughts? Suggestions? all are welcome.


IT'S ON!!!

So, I resisted as long as I could...

I don't know if I'll ever post anything that anyone would want to read but who knows, maybe I'm full of fantastic ideas and everyone out these will love listening to all I have to say.

I thought I'd finish of my very first post with 3 of my favourite things in the whole world....

That's right kids, Chrissy-mas is on it's way!!!
Rock On!